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- 서울경찰청 광역수사단 금융범죄수사대

bullet  주요논문

- 2021. Measuring affective and cognitive empathy among Korean and Chinese adolescents: translating and validating the empathy scale. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22, 583-593.
- 2021. When Empathy Leads to Passive Bystanding or Defending of the Victim in a Bullying Situation: Interaction With the Perceived Popularity of the Bully. Educational Researcher, 50(5), 276-289.
- 2021. Bullying perpetration, victimization, and low self-esteem: Examining their relationship over time. Journal of youth and adolescence, 50, 739-752.
- 2021. Cycle of violence in schools: Longitudinal reciprocal relationship between student’s aggression and teacher’s use of corporal punishment. Journal of interpersonal violence, 36(3-4), 1168-1188.
- 2018. What Do Parents Attribute the Cause of Bullying to? It Can Amplify or Buffer the Vicious Cycle of Bullying Perpetration and Victimization. Journal of interpersonal violence, 33(23), 3589-3609.
- 2018. Who becomes a bullying perpetrator after the experience of bullying victimization? The moderating role of self-esteem. Journal of youth and adolescence, 47, 2414-2423.
- 2018. Validation of the Korean version of social achievement goals for adolescents: paths from social achievement goals through social behaviour to social adjustment. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38(4), 501-517.
- 2022. 질의응답 온라인플랫폼 빅데이터를 통한 학교전담경찰관 역할 관련 텍스트분석. 치안정책연구, 36(2), 127-161.
- 2020. 전의경 복무경험에 따른 사회신뢰 지각의 차이: 타 병역 복무 유형 (육군 및 공익근무) 과 비교를 중심으로. 경찰학연구, 20(3), 227-252.
- 2020. 경찰관 진로희망 고등학생의 목표내용과 삶의 의미 간 관계: 사회공헌목표의 매개효과. 경찰학연구, 20(1), 31-59.
- 2017. 진로선택 가치와 학습동기 및 학업성취 간 관계: 사회공헌 가치를 중심으로. 미래청소년학회지, 14(2), 1-20.
- 2016. 지각된 또래수용 간의 종단적 관계에 있어서 자기비난성향으로 조절된 공격성의 매개효과 검증. 아시아교육연구, 17(3), 171-194.