bullet  기본정보소개
주세영 조교수
의료생명대학 바이오융합과학부 식품영양학과
종합강의동 219호
식품학 및 감각과학
bullet  최종학력

Rutgers University Food Science  Ph.D

bullet  상세경력

- 연세대학교 식품영양과학 연구소 전임 연구원
- 연세대학교 심바이오틱 연구소 연구원
- 단국대학교 식품영양학과 연구교수

bullet  주요논문

1. A study of food safety knowledge for sustainable foodservice management of childcare centers in South Korea using Importance–Performance Analysis. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. 2022.8
2. Development of nano soy milk through sensory attributes and consumer acceptability. Foods, 2021.12
3. Sensory attributes of Buckwheat jelly (Memilmuk) with mung bean starch added to improve texture and taste. Foods, 2021.11
4. Changes in Eating-Out Frequency according to Sociodemographic Characteristics and Nutrient Intakes among Korean Adults. Iranian Journal of public health. 2020.1
5. Low fruit and vegetable intake is associated with depression among Korean adults in data from the 2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Health, population, and nutrition. 2019.10
6. Asthma and Dietary Intake of Fish, Seaweeds, and Fatty Acids in Korean Adults. Nutrients, 2019.9
7. Sensory evaluation of commercial ready-to-eat rice between trained panelist and consumer.British Food Journal, 2018.2
8. Kimchi intake and atopic dermatitis in Korean aged 19-49 years: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010-2012. Asia Pacific J of Clinical Nutrition. 2017.10